Pathfinders Homeschool Group!
Blending Nature, Play and Place-Based Studies.

It is our pleasure to support our hardworking and nature loving homeschooling families. 

Join Us on Fridays!

📆 When: Fridays, September - June

🕰️Time: 10:00 am - 2:00pm 

🌱Ages: 5-8 years old 

💌Tuition: $144/month per family 


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Pathfinders Homeschool Group

Join our Pathfinders Homeschool Group, designed for children ages 5-8, and immerse your family in a nature- and play-based learning experience. This stay-and-play program offers children the chance to learn and explore in the great outdoors, with parents enjoying flexible use of our cozy forest cottage or yurt classroom while lessons are in session.


Our Daily Rhythm

10:00 am: Arrival

10:05 am: Morning Circle at the School Yard Fire Circle

10:15 am: Group Hike to Basecamp / Free Forest Play

10:30 am: Morning Activity / Offering (parents can opt-in with their family)

11:00 am - 1:30 pm: Exploration & Play (grazing snack/lunch)

11:00 am - 1:00 pm: Nature & Play-Based Homeschool "Lessons" / Lunch & Inquiry at the Yurt

1:00 pm: Pathfinders return to Basecamp for forest play

1:30 pm: Quick Tidy

1:40 pm: Closing Circle

1:50 pm: Group Hike back to School Yard

2:00 pm: Dismissal


📝Things to Keep in Mind about our Friday Programming: 


  • Families can use the forest cottage and outhouse during lessons.
  • Pathfinders will engage in place-based explorations and inquiry on-site from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm.
  • We wrap up with closing circle before hiking back to the School Yard/Yurt.
  • Families enrolled must complete an enrollment packet and signed waivers.
  • Missed sessions during the month are not credited, except in the case of inclement weather where make-up days will be offered by the Director.
** This is a "stay and play" program and families must remain on-site for the duration of the program.
This is not a drop-off program. 
Reach Out To Our Director

Here are all the details of our NEW Homeschool Group! 

Program Details & Pricing

  • When: Fridays from 10-2pm
  • Where: Nature Play All Day, 2404 Collinstown Road, Appleton, ME.
  • What: Pathfinders Homeschool Group is designed for children ages 5-8, this stay-and-play program features child-led, teacher-supported nature and place-based lessons (1.5 hours/week) with outdoor exploration to deepen learning.
  • THIS IS NOT A DROP-OFF PROGRAM: Parents enjoy flexible use of our forest cottage while children engage in lessons and free play. Parents must stay on-site for the duration of the program from 10-2pm.
  • Tuition: $144/month/family for 10 months (September - June). 
  • Rolling Admission: Enroll at any time during the calendar year, as long as space is available.
  • Limited Spaces: Enrollment is first-come, first-served. Taking a month off does not guarantee your place when you return if paying month-to-month.
  • Absences: Missed days are not reimbursed.
  • Weather Policy: Two snow days are built into the program. Any additional closures will be made up in June or July.

Save 5%!
Families who pay for the year in full receive a 5% discount.

Sign me UP!